Sunday 3 July 2011

Solving subtraction problems using Equal Adjustment as a Strategy! - Damon and Brock.

Janine donated 125 biscuits to the school gala.They sell 76 biscuits. How many biscuits are left?
Step 1: Read the problem.
Step 2: Put it in a maths equation: 125 - 76 =........
Step 3: Choose a strategy: Equal Adjustment.
Step 4: Solve the problem.
        (125 + 4) - (76 + 4)  = ______
        129 - 80 = 49
Learning Tip: Always change/round the second number.

1 comment:

  1. equal adjustment is a really easy strategy for the killer that is ..... subtraction!!!! i find it helps me understand the problem better :)
