Sunday 28 August 2011

Central Counties Cross Country!

On Monday the 22nd of August A group of motived year 7/8’s from room 2,5 & 6 went to the central counties cross country day at Totara park. The year 7’s ran 3km’s and the year 8’s ran 3.5km’s.   
As we lined up at the starting line the butterflies in our stomachs were fluttering around crazily. Suddenly, “GO!” Yelled Mr Fourie. The other runners sped up the massive hill, but we paced ourselves and WOW! What a challenge. We ended up beating many schools and we feel proud that we achieved our goals and completed this challenging, 3.5km course.
We ran against a lot of very good athletes from 6 different schools, so to get any placing was a great achievement. Congratulations to the teams. The year 7 girls and year 8 boys came first and the 7 boys and 8 girls came second. Well done teams.
Year 7 Girls:
Georgia Webster - 2nd
Cassandra Rowlandson - 5th
Krisana Raututi - 16th
Year 7 Boys:
Jacob Gordon - 4th
Year 8 Girls:
Samantha Maitland - 1st
Jade Gemmell - 16th
Louise Parker - 22nd
Year 8 Boys: 
Zachary Moulder - 2nd
Joshua Cooper - 4th
Brock Mills - 5th
Aidan Stainthorpe - 6th
Ryan Tamepo - 10th 
Damon Burdett - 19th
Brandon Walden - Participated 
By Damon and Louise.

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