Tuesday 14 June 2011

Water Cycle

We learnt to write an explanation. We wanted to give enough information so younger students will know what the water cycle is when they read our explanation.

The water cycle is a very complex system but is an easy thing to learn about. The cycle consists of: evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. This is how the amazing cycle works.
The first part of the water cycle is evaporation. Evaporation is when the sun heats up water in mostly: Rivers, Lakes and the Ocean. By this the water rises up into the sky to make wet clouds. 
Condensation is the next part of the water cycle. Once the water has evaporated the water vapors in the air gets cold and changes back into liquid forming clouds that we see today. This is called condensation.
Eventually precipitation occurs. The clouds get overloaded with water and falls back to the Earth in the form of: rain, hail or snow. 
After the water has fallen it gets sent into: Rivers, Streams and underground reservoirs. The water also goes onto the land and can help feed animals and even feed plants. This is called collection. The water cycle will eventually start all over again. This is the Water Cycle.
By: Jade, Shanay, Christine, Ryan and Aidan   

The Water Cycle
The water cycle is the cycle of how water travels around to creates a cycle that includes the following: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation and Collection. The cycle firstly starts with Evaporation.
Evaporation; is when the sun heats up the water and turns it into steam or water vapor, it then rises into the air where something very interesting happens to it. Condensation .......
Condensation; This is when the water vapor becomes cold, it then turns back into liquid. You know, like when you boil the kettle and the little drops of water form on the objects that is next to the kettle. That is what Condensation is. Thousands of feet in the air the same thing is happening but those little drops turns into the fluffy white clouds we see today.
Precipitation; This is another word for raining.This happens when a certain amount of water fills up the fluffy white clouds.The clouds then turn a gloomy grey color. Water then comes back down to earth in the form of rain, hail or snow.
Collection; As buckets full of water fall back down to earth it either ends up in: lakes, rivers, huge oceans or the land around us. The water that is on the land could possibly soak up into the earth and become ground water or a little bubbly spring underground. If not it will run over the moist soil and end up in oceans, lakes or rivers where the water cycle starts over again with the process of Evaporation.
By Siobhan, Samantha, Brock and Joshua  

1 comment:

  1. Shanay said :P24 June 2011 at 13:37

    The water cycle is cool because it does it all over again.I was in one of those groups.Learning about the water cycle was fun and easy to learn about!!!!!!!!
