Wednesday 22 June 2011


We have learned to work out the circumference of a circle. It is actually very easy. It is important to make sure you know what the radius or diameter is so that you can multiply it with the value of Pi (3.14).

Have a look at the poster we made to help us remember how to do this.

Louise and Samantha!


  1. Now I will never forget how to work out the circumference of a circle

  2. Last year Circumference was very hard for me to do but now I find it easy

  3. josh and Jacob and Brock23 June 2011 at 18:47

    We will never forget circumference now thanks to this poster. Goes to show how much a poster can do for our learning.

  4. I didnt really know how to do this until I found out this strategy.I think it really helps me with measurement.

  5. Shanay said :P24 June 2011 at 13:04

    Circumference was hard but,now it easy as pie.Now thanks to this poster I will never forget now to work out the circumference of a cirle.And now I know the strategy for measurement.It will help me in the future!
