Sunday 14 August 2011

PE - Rotation

This term we are lucky to have our wonderful teachers in Rooms 5, 2 and 6. They prepared a PE rotation which consists of golf, padder tennis and table tennis. We have just started with this rotation and we already enjoy it.
First of all our own teachers teach their own class for 3 weeks, and then they get a different class to teach. Mr Fourie teaches golf, Mrs Notley teaches padder tennis and Miss Clarke teaches table tennis.
In our class we have learnt a lot about how to hold a club and how to respect the distance of our swing. We also learnt how to grip the club and stand in the right position. There is a lot more technical aspects in the game of golf than we realised. Mr Fourie is not only our teacher but also a golf enthusiast and a coach at the first tee golf academy. So he makes sure that we learn to do things the correct way.
So far we have learnt to hit the ball over different distances with the same loft club by not hitting the ball any harder. All we had to do is adjust our swing. A birdie told us that Mr Fourie is developing a little golf course on our school ground to let us test our new skills.   
We are excited about doing this PE rotation and cant wait to try the other sports!

 By Sheetal And Christine 


  1. I love the photo's guys it looks like we already know how to play golf like real golfers.I can't wait until we do the next PE rotation.It will be fun I hope.

  2. I am not to good at golf but I still really enjoy it. Thanks mr fourie!

  3. that golf was one word.....AWESOME!! thanx Mr Fourie!!!
