Sunday 14 August 2011

Cubism Art - Pablo Picaso!

Pablo Picasso Art
On Tuesday the 2nd of August we did some amazing art. We learnt about Pablo Picaso and the art that made him famous. We enjoyed learning about cubism and how to use contrasting colors to make our art look great. We had to use dark vivid lines and let our face look in two different directions. We join two faces together, one angle was of the side of our face then a straight facing angle. We used very colorful and strange colors and created a work of art. Most students said that they liked the bright colors and the shape of the faces. We liked learning to join the two faces together by the nose and mouth on the faces. The eye facing sidewards was a challenge. But we showed resilience and worked hard to get it looking in the correct direction. Now we are looking at our colorful art work on the wall and think it looks stunning. You never know, one of us could be the New Zealand version of Pablo Picaso.  
We would like to thank Mrs Sentch for doing this art with us.

By: Louise and Jasmine.


  1. I loved doing art it was so much fun.I love the colours and showing of your creativeness.The thing that I would do next time is make the eyes the same shape.I hope we do art like this again!

  2. i like the photo of my one! that art was really cool and creative!

  3. I wish I could of been there to do the art. It looks great!
