Wednesday 22 June 2011

Area of a Triangle!

We have learned to work out the Area of a Triangle. It is not as easy as the Area of a Rectangle. You have to measure the base and the height of the triangle. Then divide the base by two to get half of it and multiply that by the height. The formula is Area = Half of the Base x Height. If we can remember that we will always be able to work out the Area of a Triangle.
This poster will help us all remember how to do this. Have a look every time you forget how to work out the Area of a Triangle.

By Louise!


  1. Now i have made these i will never forget the formula

  2. Josh and Jacob and Brock23 June 2011 at 18:42

    This has helped our learning so so much thanks to louise and samantha.

    from Josh Jacob and Brock.

  3. Thanks now I can always remember how to work out the area of a triangle.

  4. Scott, Shanay and Darius23 June 2011 at 18:43

    Thanks louise now we can never forget the area of a triangle

    By Scott/Shanay and Daruis

  5. Thanks Louise, I'll probably never forget how to work out the area of a triangle!!!!

  6. No problem I really enjoyed making them and learnt many computer skills such as cropping a picture.

  7. Shanay said :P24 June 2011 at 13:10

    Thank you Louise!!!!Now I will never forget how to the formula of a triangle.It was hard at first but,now it will be easy because I can just look on the blog and I will remmber it.

  8. This is not just for Louise - but for all those who have posted some Maths formulas - what a terrific and helpful idea to have on your blog!
    Awesome Room 5...
    Ms F
